Before starting long and costly legal proceedings, contact us! A trial is not necessarily the ideal solution. Another approach to conflict resolution, using negotiation and mediation techniques, could be more profitable.
The purpose of Dispute Prevention and Resolution (DPR) is to analyze the nature of the conflict and identify the most appropriate way to achieve a fair and reasonable outcome for the client.
Here are some examples of conflicts that can be resolved with DPR:
Business Law: disagreement/conflict between shareholders, failure to execute a contractual obligation with a supplier, conflict involving a franchisor and a franchisee
Real Estate Law: hidden vice, right of way and hidden right of way, conflict between co-owners, neighbourhood annoyance
Regardless of the nature of the conflict, we will be able to provide you with information about the true value of your case and will be able to negotiate a fair and reasonable settlement directly with the other party.
This method of conflict resolution based on the collaboration of the parties offers several advantages:
PME INTER Notaires Gatineau is the first and only notary office in Québec to offer such expertise.